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Body slimming diet and gym; lose half of your weight with this method!!

Body slimming diet and gym: When it comes to dieting it is easier said than done. For many of us weight has been an issue with it being up and down like a yo-yo it is no wonder many Brits struggle with the pounds and a healthy diet.

However, one nurse has shared her weight loss journey and how she dropped two dress sizes. So much so that it has cut her risk of heart disease.

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Body slimming, diet and gym

Body slimming diet and gym: Nicola Wakeland, from Sutton in Ashfield, was at risk of developing cardiovascular, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Thankfully she ditched the fast food, improved her diet and started exercising regularly.

The mum-of-two saw the pounds drop off over four months after following the Goal Plans meal plan by MuscleFood.

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Body slimming diet and gym: Wakeland, who works at King’s Mill Hospital was enjoying fast food for most days of the week before joining the meal plan and struggling to find time to prepare healthy, nutritious meals.

The 33-year-old saw her weight balloon to 20 stone and wore size 18 clothes. But now she is wearing size 16 clothes and is opting for healthier foods including breakfast burritos, nutritious rice and chicken pots, protein pizzas, and three high-protein snacks a day.

Body slimming diet and gym: Wakeland said: “The long shifts and late finishes meant that I often found myself reaching for convenient fast food options just to keep going.

“My average day of eating would typically consist of a bowl of cereal for breakfast and then either KFC or McDonald’s for lunch and dinner.

“I tried different diets and calorie counting but because I didn’t have the time or energy to cook or meal prep, none of them would work for me.

Body slimming diet and gym: “I started to feel hopeless but then I found out that healthy eating doesn’t have to be time-consuming and make you feel deprived.”

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Body slimming diet and gym: The meal plans have helped the nurse transform her health thanks to the nutritious food and healthy snacks. She has seen changes in her body and overall health which have now allowed her to enjoy park days with her kids.

Let’s not forget that she is now taking part in triathlons and plans to pursue her dream of joining the national hockey league.

Wakeland continued: “Losing weight was never about looks for me – although I do appreciate fitting comfortably into my uniform and feeling more confident in my body – my main reasons for making this change were to be healthier and stronger.

“Instead of focusing on the number on the scale, I was more interested in how my internal health indicators would improve as I lost weight.

“When my first blood test results came back, I was surprised to learn that my omega-6 levels were in an unhealthy range, meaning that I would be at risk of serious heart and autoimmune diseases which as a mum of two was a big concern for me.”

Despite the health scare, the nurse admitted the biggest motivation behind her weight loss was to be a good example to her kids.

“Within just four months of being on Goal Plans, my omega-6 levels reached a healthy range and I’m now seeing a huge difference in my mood and energy levels.

“The best thing about my new diet is that while being healthy and nutritious, it satisfies my cravings as I can still enjoy pizzas, burritos, pasta dishes and cookies.

“I’ve always been an emotional eater so the fact that I can still have some of my favourite foods when I feel like being ‘naughty means that I feel less guilt and never feel deprived.”

Body slimming diet and gym: The nurse’s weight loss has even inspired her husband to join the meal plan.

Wakefield added: “One of the proudest moments of my life was when my kids were waiting for me at the finishing line when I finished my triathlon which would’ve never happened if I hadn’t changed my unhealthy eating habits.

“I want my kids to grow up in an environment where eating nutritious food is the norm and not greasy fast food.”

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