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Berberine supplement for weight loss: natural version with barberry and Oregon grapes + how to take?

Berberine supplement for weight loss: Step aside, Ozempic — there’s a trending, alternative weight-loss supplement on the scene.

The supplement berberine has been branded as “nature’s Ozempic” on social media.

Ozempic is a type 2 diabetes drug known by the generic name semaglutide that also is used for weight loss.

Semaglutide has skyrocketed in popularity as an often effective (albeit sometimes very expensive) weight-loss measure.

Read more: Kombucha tea for weight loss of diabetic patients+ benefits and how to use it?

“If you are looking at something that’s being considered a ‘natural’ version of a medication, it can look really appealing,” says Schmidt. But the natural label does not guarantee a pure and unprocessed substance, and consumers may not realize that a supplement can seriously interfere with other medications they are taking.

And even if a supplement truly comes from natural sources, it’s still unlikely to provide a quick and easy fix for health conditions such as obesity.

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Berberine supplement for weight loss

Berberine supplement for weight loss1

What is the supplement berberine?

Berberine supplement for weight loss: Berberine is a type of plant substance known as an alkaloid, and is found in a variety of plants, including barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grapes and coptis.

These plants have long been used in traditional medicines — including Native American and Chinese practices — to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including eye conditions, diarrhea, jaundice and acne.

Today, berberine is available in supplement form and taken orally, though it is sometimes delivered intravenously or topically.

What is berberine used for?

Berberine supplement for weight loss: According to TikTok, a whole lot. Alongside first-person online testimonials about weight loss, skim through social media and you’ll find people who are using berberine for ailments like high cholesterol, insulin resistance and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

What are the risks of berberine?

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Berberine supplement for weight loss: Berberine may be safe when taken in recommended amounts — with the exceptions that it should not be used by children or people who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The main side effects are gastrointestinal (GI) and include nausea, constipation, diarrhea, gas and vomiting. But Schmidt sees a much more pressing potential risk than GI symptoms.

“The scary thing is that it interacts with a ton of medications. There is a very long list of meds that could possibly interact with the berberine,” Schmidt says. “Don’t take this unless you speak to your medical provider first.’”

Possible interactive medications include anti-clotting drugs, sedating medications such as zolpidem (Ambien, Edluar) and diabetes drugs including metformin.

How does berberine work?

Berberine supplement for weight loss: It potentially works in a bunch of different ways. It’s considered antimicrobial and may alter the bacteria in your gut.

In addition, berberine may affect a wide variety of body functions, and is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer substance.

Some people on social media are claiming that the supplement berberine is helping them lose weight by lessening their appetite.

“One week in. 3 pounds down. All the snack chatter in my head has disappeared,” one TikTok commenter wrote. Another chimed in, “Same thing happened to me! Food noise gone and hunger really reduced.”

Better blood sugar regulation may explain a more regulated appetite, Schmidt says.

“If you’re not having those highs and lows in your blood sugar, you might not feel that more extreme hunger,” she says.

How much berberine should I take?

Berberine supplement for weight loss: As with any supplement, it’s best not to take any berberine until you’ve talked with a member of your health care team, especially as berberine may interact with other medications or supplements. Definitely don’t drop a prescription drug such as metformin in favor of berberine without talking to your prescribing doctor or a pharmacist.

It’s thought that taking 1.5 grams of berberine every day — sometimes split into multiple doses — for six months or less is safe. The six-month limit is due to a lack of longer term data, Schmidt says.


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