Health and beautySkin and hair care

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: things that will revive your hair after 40!

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: As you age, there are a number of things to look forward to, like increased self-assurance and major life milestones. But getting older also inevitably comes with physical changes that aren’t always so welcome—especially when it comes to your hairline.

As we age, we may notice changes in our hair, including increased shedding, excessive dryness, increased fragility of the hair shaft, brittleness, and graying.

Thankfully, figuring out an age-targeted hair-care routine will ensure your hair feels and looks healthy for the long haul.

Below, learn all about hair care after 40, from what hormonal changes and symptoms to expect to all the best strategies for maintaining healthy hair through the years.

Stay with this section of skin and hair care in the health and beauty section of Eternal Pen magazine.

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair1

1-A Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: More than any product or treatment, a healthy lifestyle will be the most impactful thing you can do to age well.

Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support overall health, as well as hair health.

This looks like prioritizing foods that are high in calcium, vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

We also recommend incorporating gentle movements like yoga and meditation to manage stress (a key cause of hair loss) and improve your mental health. And, of course, don’t skimp on hydration or sleep, either.


Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair2

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: Minoxidil, a.k.a. Rogaine, is “a gold standard in hair loss medicine” and it’s not just for men.

You can use it topically or take it orally as a pill if you get a prescription from your doctor. Regardless of how you take it, the medicine increases blood flow to the scalp, which in turn works to improve overall hair density and encourage new hair growth.

3-In-Office Treatments

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: You can also choose to go the clinical route by seeking treatments performed in a dermatologist’s office or an aesthetics or specialty hair clinic.

These include platelet-rich plasma (a.k.a. PRP), red light therapy, and laser-assisted growth factor therapies.

PRP, in particular, uses the “liquid gold” plasma from your own blood and injects it back into your scalp.

PRP injections deliver concentrated growth factors to targeted areas, promoting supportive conditions for hair regrowth.

Typically, people need between three and six PRP treatments, followed by annual maintenance injections to keep up the hair growth.

Red light therapy has shown promise in a few studies, but the best option is to go through a dermatologist rather than buying a red light device, as these devices are often less powerful (and sometimes not FDA-cleared) than those found in medical offices.

4-Proper Scalp and Hair Care

Benefits of Minoxidil and PRP for hair: A gentle hair and scalp care regimen is key to hair longevity.

Minimizing heat exposure, the use of harsh chemicals, and tight hairstyles will help maintain soft, healthy hair. And while there’s nothing wrong with dyeing your grays, try your best to minimize excessive chemical applications to the hair.

Over-washing or under-washing your hair and scalp can increase your risk of hair breakage, too.


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