Health and beautyMedicinal plants

Benefits of chia seed water: from skin beauty to fitness + how to use

Benefits of chia seed water: Chia seeds are the tiny, edible black or white seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant.

These small seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and several vitamins and minerals.

Including chia seeds in a well-balanced diet offers numerous health benefits, including improved heart health and digestion support.

Some people enjoy mixing chia seeds into a glass of water, which allows the seeds to gel and expand slightly, creating a palatable and satiating beverage.

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Benefits of chia seed water

Benefits of chia seed water1

1-May Protect Heart Health

Benefits of chia seed water: Chia seeds are considered a functional food, meaning they offer health benefits beyond their nutritive value. These benefits may extend to heart health.

Some research indicates consuming large amounts of chia seeds daily can help lower blood pressure levels in certain populations.

2-May Support Weight Management Efforts

Benefits of chia seed water: Chia seeds are often touted for their potential benefit in weight loss and weight management.

Rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, they offer an impressive nutrient profile for people who want to lose weight or sustain weight loss.

3-May Improve Skin Health

Benefits of chia seed water2

Benefits of chia seed water: Drinking chia seed water may significantly benefit skin health due to the beverage’s nutrient profile and hydrating properties.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which research has linked to improvements in inflammatory skin conditions like damage caused by UV rays and acne.

Drinking chia seed water may help maintain skin hydration and reduce inflammation.

While research regarding chia seed water and skin health is limited, drinking chia seed water can support hydration efforts. Research has shown that higher water intake can positively influence skin physiology.

Chia seeds are a good source of phosphorus, an essential mineral that helps make up your bones, teeth, and DNA, and is required for energy production.

Calcium and magnesium are also used to build bones. Magnesium is important for muscle regulation, nerve function, and blood sugar control in the body.

Chia seeds provide plenty of iron, another mineral necessary for growth and several bodily functions. Iron is also important for creating red blood cells. Getting enough iron through diet can help prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Risks of Chia Seed Water

Benefits of chia seed water: First, chia seeds expand significantly in liquid. If consumed in excess, they can cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, gas, or blockages. People with a history of digestive disorders or who are not used to a high-fiber diet may be especially prone to these symptoms.


Depending on your desired consistency, you can soak chia seeds in water for 5-30 minutes before drinking the beverage.


It’s not recommended to store chia seed water in the freezer. Try to consume your prepared chia seed water as soon as possible after soaking.

Uses in the diet:

Benefits of chia seed water: You can use chia seed water as a base for puddings or smoothies or blend it into fruit juices, herbal tea, or yogurt for a more nutrient-rich drink.

healthImage source: freepik

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