
Prince Harry Biography: The Prince Who Hates X

Prince Harry, duke of Sussex (born September 15, 1984, London, England) younger son of Charles III and Diana, princess of Wales.

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Prince Harry Biography:


1-He loves being a dad

Prince Harry Biography: Even before his wife, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, was expecting their first child, Archie, Prince Harry talked about his wish for children.

“I can’t wait for the day, so it will be fantastic,” Harry told ABC News in 2016, just months before he met Meghan. “I’ve got a kid inside of me. I want to keep that.

I adore kids. I enjoy everything that they bring to the party. They just say what they think.” Harry can’t get enough of Archie—and now he and Meghan have a daughter, Lilibet, as well. And this is what Meghan had to say about motherhood.

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2-He’s sought help for mental health

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Prince Harry Biography: The trauma of losing his mother manifested for Prince Harry as repressed grief. “The first time I cried was at the funeral at the island [at her childhood home, Althorp] and since then maybe once, so there’s a lot of grief that still needs to be let out,” he said in the 2017 documentary Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy.

“It was a classic case of, ‘Don’t let yourself think about your mum and the grief and the hurt because it’s never going to bring her back and it’s only going to make you more sad.’” But Harry eventually got professional help after being “very close to a complete breakdown,” he told the Telegraph in a podcast.

“Losing my mum at the age of 12, and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years, has had a quite serious effect on not only my personal life but my work as well,” he said.

Finally realizing he had to deal with his grief and anger, Harry also started opening up publicly about his own struggles to lessen the stigma around mental health issues, something he’s continued as part of the docuseries The Me You Can’t See that he is producing with Oprah Winfrey.

3-He wants to help others speak honestly about mental health

Prince Harry Biography: In The Me You Can’t See, which debuted in May 2021, Prince Harry tells Oprah that he wants nothing more than to use his fame and considerable platform to help others with mental health struggles feel less alone.

He’s aware of the privilege of his position and believes that the best use of it is to show others that mental health struggles can affect anyone. With The Me You Can’t See, he shares resources for anyone who is, or knows someone who is, facing a difficult time. It’s certainly quite a step up from his carefree, fun-loving prince persona.

4-Prince Harry Marries Ms. Meghan Markle

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Prince Harry Biography: In their March 2021 tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan revealed that she and Prince Harry were actually married before the official ceremony at Windsor Castle.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welsby, married them in an intimate backyard ceremony three days before their televised wedding. In the interview, Meghan said of the private ceremony, “This thing—this spectacle—is for the world, but we want our union between us.”

Prince Harry Biography:

5-He felt “trapped” as a member of the royal family

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Prince William, brother of Prince Harry and Kate Middleton

Prince Harry Biography: Prince Harry also revealed in the Oprah interview that he felt trapped within the system as a member of the royal family before he met Meghan.

“My father and my brother—they are trapped,” Harry said. “They don’t get to leave, and I have huge compassion for that.”

After Queen Elizabeth’s death, Charles assumed the title of king, and Prince William became the heir apparent. Prince Harry was also bumped up a spot in the royal line of succession and is now fifth in line for the throne.

6-He’s a veteran himself

Prince Harry Biography: Prince Harry actually served for 10 years in the British military, where he was called “Captain Wales.” He was in combat on the front lines in Afghanistan but was pulled out for security reasons when his secret deployment was revealed. “I felt very resentful,” he told Newsweek.

“Being in the army was the best escape I’ve ever had. I felt as though I was really achieving something.” He described to ABC News feeling “broken” over leaving his fellow soldiers behind. But, he did get to return a few years later. “I wanted to prove that I had a certain set of skills—for instance, flying an Apache helicopter—rather than just being Prince Harry,” he told Newsweek. “I also felt I was one of the lads and could forget I was Prince Harry when I was with them.”

7-He hates X

Prince Harry Biography: “I quite hate Twitter,” he told teens at an event, reports the Daily Mail. Although he’d like to use the platform to promote his charitable causes, “invasion of privacy” issues have him concerned.

“I would love to tweet about things I care about, but it’s a fine line between what you should do and what you can do, and what other people want to know and what you don’t want them to know,” he said.

He and his wife are no longer on social media at all as of January 2021. This is why Harry has worn the same bracelet for years.

Prince Harry Biography:

8-He doesn’t want to be king

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Prince Harry Biography: As fifth in line to the throne, it was unlikely Prince Harry would ever wear the crown anyway, which may be a good thing—he seems to believe the saying “heavy is the head” that wears it.

“Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time,” he told Newsweek.

Even though he has now stepped down from his royal duties, he once said, “Even if I was king, I would do my own shopping.” And it turns out Diana actually thought Harry would make a better king than William.

9-He talked to his mother on the day she died

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Prince Harry’s mother: Princess Diana

Prince Harry Biography: Who can forget the heartbreaking sight of the card to “Mummy” on top of Princess Diana’s coffin? Prince Harry, who lost his mother at the tender age of 12, remembered the last time he spoke to her in Diana, Our Mother.

“As a kid, I never enjoyed speaking to my parents on the phone,” he says. Eager to get back to playing, he rushed off her call from Paris.

“I will regret for the rest of my life how short the phone call was, and if I’d known that was the last time I was going to speak to my mother the things I would have said to her … how differently that conversation would have panned out had I had even the slightest inkling that her life was going to be taken that night.”

10-It was love at first sight with Meghan

Prince Harry Biography: Royal watchers were so happy that the prince, who had battled for so long with his own demons after losing his mother, finally seemed settled and happy when he married Meghan.

But for Harry himself, he saw his future with Meghan as soon as they first set eyes on each other during a blind date in 2016. When asked “When did you know she was the one?” while meeting with photographers after their engagement announcement, Harry replied, “The very first time we met.”

11-He feels at home in Africa

Prince Harry Biography: Meghan and Harry’s love was solidified during a camping trip to Botswana, which he calls his “second home,” just weeks after they met.

Harry also later got Meghan’s engagement diamond in the African country. But his love for Africa started long before, with his first trip there shortly after his mother died, he told Town & Country.

“This is where I feel more like myself than anywhere else in the world,” he said. “I wish I could spend more time in Africa. I have this intense sense of complete relaxation and normality here.”

Prince Harry has been involved in conservation work on the continent and established a charity, Sentebale (which means “forget me not”), with his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho to help children impacted by poverty and HIV/AIDS (a cause Diana also championed).

12-He doesn’t eat pizza

Prince Harry Biography: Fans were shocked when Prince Harry admitted he doesn’t normally eat one of the world’s favorite comfort foods. “I don’t even eat pizza anymore, but I had pizza last night,” Harry said while visiting a Chicago school in 2017. At least he seemed to enjoy the rare indulgence. “We had deep-dish, and we had thin crust,” he said. “I promise you, I will make sure I eat Chicago.” However, this is Prince Harry’s favorite fast-food order.

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