Whitneyport Surrogacy After Abortion; After 3 miscarriages, he breathed a little

Whitneyport Surrogacy After Abortion: ‘The Hills’ star is mom to son Sonny Sanford, 6, whom she shares with husband Tim Rosenman
Whitney Port is giving an update on her surrogacy journey.
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Whitneyport Surrogacy After Abortion
Speaking with E! News last month, The Hills star, 39, reflected on her past miscarriages, noting that “it was hard” for her to discuss it publicly at first.
“And I would get all these comments and questions: ‘Are you doing this?’ Or ‘Have you seen this doctor?’ And I would get really confused, and then a little bit paralyzed,” she told the outlet. “But now I just feel a lot more empowered having been through it.”
Port has been open in the past about her fertility struggles, sharing that she’s experienced three miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy. After turning to surrogacy, Port has also said that her surrogate had two losses of her own.

Whitneyport Surrogacy After Abortion: The star and her husband Tim Rosenman decided to pause their surrogacy journey last November, with Rosenman saying the couple was concerned “there might be something going on either with the surrogate or our embryos” on Port’s podcast With Whit.
“I took a little breather from the fertility situation,” Port told E! News. “I decided to take a few months off from thinking about it and talking about it and proactively doing anything about it so I could take care of myself.”
Now that she’s had some time off, Port is ready to get back to it. “After a bunch of tries here, with both myself and a surrogate, we’re going to do another round of egg retrieval in New York,” she shared. “And in the meantime, looking for a surrogate for the next transfer.”
Although she noted that she was grateful to experience carrying her son Sonny Sanford, who turns 7 this month, Port said that she doesn’t feel like she has to experience that again.

Whitneyport Surrogacy After Abortion: “It wasn’t like I felt more connected to Sonny through my pregnancy or felt more connected to him when I gave birth,” Port said. “I really started to fully connect with him when he was a toddler.”
In April, Port spoke with PEOPLE about undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) again on Fertility, Unfiltered — a video series that details the journey to parenthood.
“At the moment, after two miscarriages with the surrogate and multiple miscarriages on my end, I’m at a place now where I’m starting to think about possibly carrying again,” Port said at the time.
“I’m undergoing a lot of different tests to see if I even can. Right now, it’s going through and uncovering what it is that we want because it has been such a long process and I don’t want my happiness and everything that I have to be overshadowed by this.”