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The cause of dementia was identified in new research!!

The cause of dementia was identified: The research found that the the state of your heart could be the biggest indicator for dementia risk later in life

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The cause of dementia was identified

Heart health has been pinpointed as a key indicator for dementia risk, with fresh research suggesting it could outstrip other well-known risk factors like smoking and level of education.

The cause of dementia was identified: The study reveals that heart-related issues may have become more significant over time when it comes to dementia risk. Experts are now saying that focusing on cardiovascular wellbeing could be crucial in the battle to prevent dementia cases.

In the UK alone, an estimated 944,000 individuals are grappling with dementia, and statistics show that over half of the adult population is acquainted with someone affected by the condition.

Researchers from UCL delved into 27 studies, which included global data on dementia from as far back as 1947 up to 2015. They crunched the numbers to determine the impact of various risk factors on dementia incidence through the decades.

Dementia’s roots often lie in a mix of genetic and lifestyle factors such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, educational attainment, and tobacco use.

The cause of dementia was identified-1

The cause of dementia was identified: The researchers observed a worrying uptick in obesity and diabetes, both of which are playing a larger role in boosting dementia risk.

Conversely, as smoking rates drop and educational levels rise, their link to dementia seems to be weakening.

Dr Naaheed Mukadam from UCL’s Division of Psychiatry, who spearheaded the study, commented: “Cardiovascular risk factors may have contributed more to dementia risk over time, so these deserve more targeted action for future dementia prevention efforts.”

“Our results show that levels of education have increased over time in many higher income countries, meaning that this has become a less important dementia risk factor.”

“Meanwhile, smoking levels have also declined in Europe and the USA as it has become less socially acceptable and more expensive.”

said Dr. Mukadam, who also stressed that their findings suggest interventions could “significantly” influence dementia risk factors, urging authorities to consider adopting global educational policies and enforcing smoking restrictions.

The cause of dementia was identified: Interestingly, in the multitude of studies analysed by the researchers, high blood pressure emerged as a consistent major dementia risk factor, although they noted the rise in proactive management of the condition.

Funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme, the research was published in The Lancet Public Health.

With a daunting figure of approximately 50 million people currently living with dementia worldwide, Alzheimer’s Research UK predicts this number will triple to a staggering 152 million by 2050.

Dr Isolde Radford, senior policy manager at the charity, underscored: “This new analysis says it loud and clear that managing high blood pressure and keeping our hearts healthy is playing an important role in reducing our risk of developing dementia.”

“With no treatments currently available in the UK that can stop or slow the diseases that cause dementia, there has never been a more pressing need for looking after our brain health to help reduce the future risk of developing dementia.”

“Evidence tells us that what’s good for our hearts is good for our brains, and this new research underlines the importance of this message.”

“So, things like eating a healthy balanced diet and staying physically active can all help people to reduce their risk of dementia.”

“But just one in three people know they can reduce their risk of developing dementia and there are many factors such as income and ethnicity that affect our ability to do so.”

“That’s why it’s vital the next UK government takes steps to help make healthy lifestyles as achievable as possible for everyone.”



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