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Men also go through menopause; Is there andropause or male menopause?

Men also go through menopause: symptoms may include loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, or insomnia, among others.

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Men also go through menopause


Andropause , the equivalent of female menopause, is not real and the common symptoms and problems that men experience from the age of fifty are related to the reduction in testosterone levels that occurs with age. This is stated by the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) in a report.

The “male menopause” and testosterone

Andropause , known by some as the “male menopause” , refers to a series of symptoms experienced by men from the age of 50. These include loss of sexual desire , erectile dysfunction , apathy and insomnia , among many others.

The OCU maintains that the comparison and equivalence with female menopause is not accurate, since men do not suffer an abrupt decrease in hormone production like women, and do not suffer a great impact on the body.

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Instead, what they suffer from is a slow and progressive reduction in testosterone . Generally speaking, it can be said that from the age of forty onwards, testosterone levels decrease by approximately 1% per year.

Testosterone is an important hormone in the male body, as it not only drives sexual desire , but is also behind the development and maintenance of physical characteristics such as muscle mass , bone density or secondary sexual characteristics (deeper voice, body and facial hair, etc.)

What is the normal level of testosterone?

There is no consensus on what normal testosterone levels are.

The guidelines of different scientific associations vary , change over time, and are sometimes even expressed in different units of measurement. In addition, blood testosterone levels may temporarily decrease and then rise again.

In 2023, the European Urological Association raised the levels considered normal from 8 nmol/l to 12 nmol/l, exceeding the recommendations of other scientific societies, such as the British Society for Sexual Medicine and the American Urological Association.

The truth is that the decrease in testosterone with age is a physiological phenomenon that occurs universally in all men, and does not necessarily have to cause health problems or difficulties in the sexual or reproductive sphere.

These limitations are usually more related to other conditions ( type 2 diabetes , hypertension , obesity , depression) than to testosterone levels.

How to increase testosterone

Official guidelines for the use of testosterone drugs , whether in gel or injection form , state that they should be used as replacement therapy in cases of “ hypogonadism .”

This pathology involves a low production of testosterone due to a hormonal dysfunction , which is independent of age.

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The use of these drugs to treat what some refer to as “late onset hypogonadism” – symptoms related to age-related decline in testosterone but without obvious hormonal dysfunction – is not currently covered.

There are advantages and disadvantages to treating with testosterone-based drugs. On the one hand, the improvement of libido , although it is unknown if this is long-term, along with the increase in bone density and the possible improvement of muscle mass.

However, this treatment carries a possible increased risk of prostate cancer , and may be contraindicated in people with cardiovascular , liver and kidney diseases .

For this reason, the OCU recommends that the decision to start treatment should always be evaluated by a specialist.

‘Natural’ alternatives

Is it possible to increase testosterone naturally? There are recommendations related to diet and physical exercise .

It is best to avoid diets that drastically limit fat intake , as these are essential nutrients for many cellular functions. In particular, for the synthesis of steroid hormones , including testosterone, it is essential .

Olive oil and avocado are two good sources of healthy fats . In addition, oily fish, such as sardines or salmon , and egg yolk , are rich in other nutrients also involved in the synthesis of these hormones , such as vitamin D, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids .

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Spinach or kale are highly recommended . A low intake of these leafy greens has been linked to lower testosterone levels.

Chocolate is said to have some health-related effects related to increased testosterone. This is due in particular to its antioxidant content , which is present in many other foods, such as grapes , berries , cherries and pomegranates .

On the other hand, maintaining a constant routine of physical exercise, including strength exercises (increasingly recommended, even at advanced ages) and not limiting yourself to aerobic activity is positive on a hormonal level. This will maintain or increase muscle mass and will result in better health.



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