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10 diuretic foods that you should not eat during long trips

diuretic foods: Usually, all experts recommend drinking a lot of water. Water has many health benefits, but people refuse to drink water for various reasons.

One of the reasons is frequent urination. This problem bothers you, especially if you have to go to the bathroom many times during the night.

During long trips, drinking too much water may not be a good idea, because it forces you to find the bathroom instead of enjoying the trip!

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But it is not only water that causes such problems. If you have bladder pain syndrome, drinking fluids may cause pain in your bladder and pelvis.

If for any reason you don’t want to find a problem on some days, then it is better to pay attention to your nutrition. If your bladder sometimes hurts and that’s why it bothers you, maybe the problem is not just water.

If you’ve set a conscious goal to hike up your H2O intake, you’ve probably prepared yourself to pee more often. Water definitely does just that, and could even cause frequent urination at night.

But water notwithstanding, sometimes the other things you eat and drink can unintentionally up your urination or intensify your need to go number one.

Here, gut health dietitian Amanda Sauceda, RDN, CLT, shares the most common diuretic foods that make you pee more.

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diuretic foods:

1. Alcohol

diuretic foods-Alcohol
Alcohol increases urination


diuretic foods: Noticed your bathroom trips become more frequent when you have booze? “If any food on this list is going to make you pee a lot, it’s going to be alcohol,” Sauceda says.

That’s because alcohol affects your bladder and your urge to urinate.

Here’s why: “When you drink, a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) [which regulates water in your kidneys] is inhibited,” Sauceda says. “What this means is that your kidneys aren’t reabsorbing the amount of water they normally would, so water gets flushed out with your pee,” she explains.

2. Coffee

diuretic foods- Coffee
Coffee increases urination

diuretic foods: After a cup of joe, you’ll likely have to take a leak. You can thank the caffeine in coffee for this, Sauceda says.

Yep, caffeine is a diuretic, which means it helps your body excrete salt and water (and makes you pee more as a result). There are even some water pills that contain caffeine.

What’s more, “caffeine can also be an irritant for those with bladder pain syndrome,” Sauceda says.

Certain coffee additives can also irritate your bladder and cause more frequent urination — namely, artificial sweeteners, according to the National Association for Continence.

3. Cranberry Juice

While you might have heard that some compounds in cranberry juice can be helpful to prevent urinary tract infections, this tart drink may also bother the bladder for some people, Sauceda says.

“Cranberry juice can be an irritant to the bladder, especially if you have interstitial cystitis,” a chronic condition that causes pressure and pain in the bladder (and sometimes pelvic pain), Sauceda says.

4. Soda

Sipping on soda may be the source of your excessive urination. There are a few reasons why soda makes you pee more, Sauceda says. First, it may contain caffeine. And, as we know, caffeine is a diuretic.

Secondly, “the fizzy part of soda (i.e., the carbonation) might also be an irritant for some people’s bladders,” Sauceda says.

And as we’ve mentioned, artificial sweeteners (like those in diet soda) can irritate the bladder, too.

If you’re drinking a lot of soda daily, these factors just get compounded, Sauceda adds.

5. Oranges

diuretic foods: Certain acidic fruits and fruit juices can make you produce more pee. Case in point: oranges. An acidic food, oranges can act as an irritant or a trigger for people with a sensitive bladder, Sauceda says.

Still, it may have the opposite effect on others. A September 2020 systematic review in the ‌International Journal of Clinical Practice‌ found that drinking orange juice decreased urine production.

6. Spicy Foods

Piquant foods can also amplify your urge to pee. That’s because spicy foods can sometimes irritate your bladder, Sauceda says.

Plus, you’re more likely to reach for a glass of water to wash down hot, peppery foods, Sauceda says. And hydrating with more H2O will inevitably lead to more bathroom trips.

7. Tomatoes

diuretic foods- Tomatoes
Tomatoe increases urination

diuretic foods: “Tomatoes fall under the acidic food category,” Sauceda says. And remember: Acidic foods can aggravate your bladder.

Eating acidic products is especially problematic for people with an overactive bladder, Sauceda adds.

8. Watermelon

While this juicy fruit is hydrating (it contains 92 percent water), watermelon can also make you pee more, Sauceda says.

In addition to its hefty H2O content, preliminary research in animals also shows that watermelon might exhibit a diuretic effect (and help with kidney stones) due to its effect on salt excretion, Sauceda says. Still, more studies in humans are needed to confirm this theory, she adds.

9. Cucumbers

“Like watermelon, cucumbers also have a very high water content,” Sauceda says. Indeed, these crisp, fresh veggies (technically a fruit) are made up of 95 percent water.

Because cucumbers are loaded with liquid, they’ll increase the volume of urine in your bladder, ultimately leading to more pee sessions.

10. Celery

diuretic foods: Celery is another watery food that can fill your bladder. That means that if you’re crunching on a slew of celery sticks, you’ll likely be compelled to pee more than usual.

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