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Rice water for weight loss: Cook rice in this way

Rice water for weight loss: Everyone’s perception about rice is negative. Many people are afraid of eating rice because they think that this food will make them gain weight. But if you know how you can have a positive weight loss by cooking rice and drinking rice water, you will definitely welcome this idea.

If your family’s decedents hailed from Asia, you were most likely served a form of rice water, called hsi-fan or congee, for breakfast or as a healing tonic to revive your energy. While cooked rice water has the rice removed and traditional congee uses a small amount of rice cooked in a large amount of water, both versions are thought to be medicinal nourishment as well as a weight-loss tool, according to “The Book of Jook: Chinese Medicinal Porridges: A Healthy Alternative to Western Breakfasts,” by acupuncturist and expert in Chinese medicines Bob Flaws.

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Read more: Korean drinks for weight loss: If you want to lose weight in a healthy way

Rice water for weight loss

Rice water for weight loss1

Step 1

Rice water for weight loss: Place 1 cup of rice in a sieve and rinse under running water. Transfer the rice to a pot along with 4 cups of water.

Step 2

Rice water for weight loss: Cook the rice until it is done, according to package directions, then drain through the sieve while mashing the rice.

Step 3

Rice water for weight loss: Reserve the water in a glass. Add salt, if desired, then sip the cooked rice water throughout day.

Step 1

Rice water for weight loss: Cook 1 cup of rice in 4 to 7 cups of water, depending on how thick you prefer your porridge.

Step 2

Rice water for weight loss: Cook either overnight in a slow cooker, or for two to four hours on the stove over low heat.

Step 3

Rice water for weight loss: Add lean meat, egg or vegetables, or eat the congee plain.

Step 1

Rice water for weight loss: Reduce your overall caloric intake by replacing one meal per day with congee. If a typical meal was previously 650 calories and your congee is 150, your 500-calorie daily deficit will produce weight loss of 1 pound per week.

Step 2

Rice water for weight loss: Increase your daily activity level to lose weight. For example, if you weigh 165 pounds and dance aerobically at a vigorous pace for one hour per day, you will burn an additional 524 calories, possibly losing an extra pound per week.

Step 3

Rice water for weight loss: Include other aspects of the Asian diet in your weight-loss plan, such as eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, eating more whole soy products, eating fish often and drinking green tea with your meals to lower your risk of chronic disease by up to 65 percent, according to University of California San Francisco Cancer Resource Center.


Experiment with how much water to use when cooking congee. More water will result in a thinner, more soup-like consistency, while less water will produce a porridge more closely resembling the consistency of oatmeal.


Consult your doctor before beginning a diet or exercise program.

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Image source: freepiklivestrong

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